
Restore National, Inc. is a not for profit community organization (501c3 tax exempt status) led by Black women and Marginalized Genders (MaGes).  Restore National combines art with activism to build an antiracist community and educate white people on racism and all the other "isms" while garnering support for Black MaGes from those people with privilege.

Values, Vision, Purpose:

At Restore National, we engage in Black liberation work through a reparations lens.  Our team takes the influx of white people on social media who want to learn about anti-racism and anti-oppression, and puts their labor and their money to work to provide monthly micro-funding, stipends, and seed funding for projects to Black MaGes (Marginalized Genders). 

Black admins and educators curate content, art, and programming, and most of all, hold non-Black members accountable via reflection and guided response, so they can effectively practice the radical thought and action processes necessary to disrupt institutions of oppression.  Members of the WLC learn through the informed perspectives of people with lived intersectional identities (Black, Femme, non-men, LGBTQIA, GNC, and people living with chronic illness).

We hold collective ownership, progressive stack, and creating a brave learning space as some of our most essential values.