How Do We Restore?

Creating Solidarity

What does it mean to be “in solidarity”?

There’s often a disconnect between white people’s anti-racism education and material benefits for Black and Brown communities.

When white people begin their anti-racism education or activism, they often cause harm by not following Black leadership and trying to find quick fixes. Folks come in eager, earnest and with urgency, but before long they tend to burn-out or fade-out.

Burnout results from acting without intention, often seen as white saviorism.

Who is being centered in the ways that you give?

What Isn’t Solidarity?

White saviorism is a pattern of behavior where people look for a quick-fix. For some, it also comes from a place of superiority and/or a desire to be forgiven.

“The white savior complex is invested in charity, not justice. It is dedicated to upholding systems of oppression & maintaining control. When you are called in for your white saviorism, remember- accountability feels a lot like bullying when you’re used to being praised for your harmful behavior” @nowhitesaviors

It’s not bad to want to help, but how you help is more important.

Want to learn how to help and get involved in a way that will make sustainable change? Read about our programs!