Does Your Organization Want to Partner With Restore National?

Here’s How Other Orgs Have Worked With Restore National

Rent For Moms

  • Tenacious Rose - Portland, OR

  • Black Lives Matter OKC - Oklahoma City, OK

  • Black Lives Matter Sacramento - Sacramento, CA

  • Harriet’s Wildest Dreams - Washington, D.C.

  • Decolonize Abundance - Richmond, Virginia

  • Support Black Business 607 - Binghamton, NY

  • Organizer/ Healer, Fiyah Angel - Detroit, MI

  • The Black Fairy Godmother - Fort Lee, NJ

    Rent For Moms (R4M) is a grassroots fundraising initiative led by Black women and other marginalized genders that centers the family, redistributes resources and places agency where it belongs – with the Moms. 

    Though white and non-Black folks are often eager to give money around the holidays, this campaign moves beyond saviorism. R4M challenges systemic issues that maintain the need for feel-good campaigns like toy drives, all the way back to their sources. By putting cash directly in the hands of Black moms across the country, R4M will help subvert oppressive and predatory economic systems stacked against Black MaGes, and ensure that each family has the agency they deserve & are owed this holiday season.

    If you’re a Black organizer interested in representing your city or state for Rent For Moms 2023, please reach out to us via our contact form.

    For more information, visit

Juneteenth Slam/ Poetry Slams

  • The Haley House - Boston, MA

  • Boston Cultural Council - Boston, MA

    “Juneteenth is a celebration of Black liberation, of Black futures, of Black self-determination and sustainability, but you wouldn’t know that because reparations are long past due, and can’t be fixed simply by observance of a national holiday. 40 Acres and a School is about food justice, healing justice, land justice, transformative justice – this is medicine. We have to speak it into existence through our poetry, and that’s what we’ll be doing at the Juneteenth Slam event.”

    Read more about our 2022 Juneteenth Slam at &

Black Mama’s Bail Out

  • Harriet’s Wildest Dreams - Washington, D.C.

    #FreeBlackMamasDMV is a collective of organizations including Harriet's Wildest Dreams, Life After Release, Out for Justice and many others organizing an annual Free Black Mama’s Day. These bailouts and post release wrap around services across the DC and Baltimore metro areas have taken place since 2017 to raise the advocacy and amplification of dismantling, pre-trial detention and to end these systemic injustices that keep our people caged once and for all.

    “We are our ancestors wildest dreams.”

    For more information, visit &