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White Labor Collective

Want to join a community of Black MaGes and allies to support initiatives, build community, and learn how to incorporate anti-racist learning every day? Join the WLC!


Want to volunteer for specific tasks that fit your skillset? Check out our volunteer form to see what we need help with!

Other Ways

To Help

  • Shared Labor Collectives are an expansion of The Done For DiDi White Labor Collective to regional chapters across North America.

    SLCs focus on Localized Activism, Specific Initiatives, with special attention to events and programs.

    Join a Shared Labor Collective

  • D4D Project Squads are project teams that have a specific focus on an area of antiracism work, creating community and special content for the White Labor Collective.

    Read About Project Squads

  • DiDi’s Pen Pal Project: In 2021, DiDi put out a call for folks who were willing, and vulnerable enough to write letters to folks behind the wall. DiDi has designed the Pen Pal Project with a focus on community, showing us again how to care for the most vulnerable. Ensuring that our Pen Pals have a consistent and supportive conduit to the outside, fighting the system that forces them to be in isolation are key components of this project. Letter writing is often an entryway into deeper abolition work, and helps remind all of us that we have to care for, and protect the most vulnerable.

    Join the WLC for more info on the PenPal Program

  • DiDi’s Tutoring Team: In March 2022, Done For DiDi launched a FREE online tutoring program to help learners build skills in: all academic subjects, test prep, ESL, executive functioning, study skills, and more. Tutoring is open to learners of all ages and backgrounds. Supported by WLC members from the Educational Justice Project Squad, the tutoring project aims to connect learners to tutors via the online platform Zoom. The Educational Justice Project Squad is currently working on a collaboration with the Abolition Project Squad in hopes of supporting learners with incarcerated loved ones, recognizing that special challenges exist for learners within traditional educational settings.

    Join the WLC for more info on the Tutoring Program